2014 Goals

I love setting goals. I set some great ones in 2012 and 2013, here are my goals for 2014. You can read my original blog post about my goals here, and my first yearly goal update here.

Build Up a $10,000 Emergency Fund


Saved: $10,000 (100%) Left to Go: $0 (0%)

I completed this goal on May 16th. Read all about it here.

Save $6,000 for Retirement


Saved: $6,000 (100%) Left to Go: $0 (0%)

Complete! I completed this goal on November 7th. You can read about my experience here.
I’m saving for retirement using Tangerine’s Streetwise funds in an RRSP. Read about my investments here.

Take One “Big” Trip


I took a trip to both Paris and New Orleans this fall and they were both utterly amazing. Completely worth prioritizing travel in the budget this year!

Run In Two Road Races

Not Completed

I ran in the Bluenose in May, and I trained for a 10k for the fall. Unfortunately I got injured and now I’m enrolled in physio to try and get to the bottom of my foot pain.

Smaller Goals

I decided to set some baby goals that I absolutely wanted to complete in 2014.

Change My Name

Complete! Everything has been changed! My Driver’s License, my Birth Certificate, my Medicare Card and my Passport. Also all of my bank cards and my blood donor card. The only thing that I haven’t changed is my SIN card, because they are only open at really inopportune times.

Finish My Wedding Photos

Complete! My wedding photos are finally edited, ordered, and I’ve even completed my photo album.

Become a Pro at My Job

I’ve decided this is a stupid goal because there is no measurable way to determine if I’ve achieved it or not.

Check My Credit Report

Complete! I checked mine and my husband’s on January 7th. Everything was as it should be.

Get Health and Disability Insurance

Complete! I now have health and disability insurance!

Goal Updates

2014 Initial Post
April Goal Update